Much Ado About Nothingness

Sometimes the most inane topics give us the most grief. Why do we make such a fuss over the little stuff? That's what I hope to answer in my humble little blog.

Location: West Virginia

I'm a 27 year old high school teacher living in West Virginia. I have the most adorable cat named Simon. He is the closest thing I will get to having a choice! I'm also an Independent Consultant for a company called Tastefully Simple.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

LOST cause

Ok. it is official. I am NOT happy with tonight's episode of LOST. Let's face it. Shannon is not the best female character, in fact she is a complete train wreck, but I have really gotten to like her over the past few episodes. Especially this one! And Sayid said he loved her. Ok. I'm furious. I hate the comando chick. Let me compose myself. I'll post more on this issue tomorrow.


Blogger mookieam131 said...

I am more and more convinced that the island is purgatory and as soon as a character comes full cirlce they "die" or transcend out of purgatory. Boone died when he realized that he could stand up to Shannon and be his own man. Shannon died when someone finally loved her enough to believe in what she had to say. Full circle and they are gone. Seriously.

12:57 PM  

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