Much Ado About Nothingness

Sometimes the most inane topics give us the most grief. Why do we make such a fuss over the little stuff? That's what I hope to answer in my humble little blog.

Location: West Virginia

I'm a 27 year old high school teacher living in West Virginia. I have the most adorable cat named Simon. He is the closest thing I will get to having a choice! I'm also an Independent Consultant for a company called Tastefully Simple.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I guess it's time for my weekly diatribe on LOST. Rachel, a good friend from work, and I have started Thursday morning coversations about the show and our equal love and aggravation with the construction of the story (aggravating only in the sense that we both really want to KNOW what's going on)!

I shared Amber's purgatory theory with her today, and like me, Rachel sees how it is plausible, but isn't entirely conviced. Here are some things we thought of (Bill actually contributed to this, too, which is facinating)--
1.--Did Shannon really receive atonement (in a sense) to pass on? She was LOVED, but was it enough?
2.--Why wasn't Hurly killed after getting to pass out the food rations the way he wanted to? He gained control of something important to him, much like Shannon did, so it would seem in the purgatory senario he would pass on.
3.--What did Nathan do to worthy passage? (I also have a theory about the list of names, which I will explore shortly).

Two main ideas surfaced in mine and Rachel's conversation that are still perplexing me. They are seemingly unrelated at the moment, but as this show goes, it remains to be seen.

Idea #1: Ana Lucia and the US Military

This chick is badass. I still don't like her, and after seeing the previews for next week, it's not likely that I will. Lucia obviously has had formal military training in my opinion. She takes charge as a natural leader, she's hard-nosed, and she knows how to improvise. She leads the intense trek into the jungle, and digs the pit for Nathan. She also has a knack for interrogation (I'll touch more on this later). She also talks to Goodwin about the US Army knife, and is quite knowledgeable. This brings me to WHY this whole thing about Lucia and the Military is important.
The knife: Lucia says the knife is at least 15-20 years old. She found it on one of the 'Others' that they killed. Now. Rousseau, the French lady, said she had been on the Island 15 years. We don't really fully know the circumstances that occurred when she and her party arrived on the island--she said something about an experiement, and she lost her son: Ethan--(lots of juicy stuff on this one, too). When the hatch is opened, and we learn about the dharma initiative, there is an implied military involvement with the 'cover up' and military-like rations and 'need-to-know' policy. Intriguing. Lucia also tells the surviors on her side of the island to forget about their old life, that THIS was their life now. To me, she knows what this island is about, and she's hiding something.
The interrogation: The fact that Lucia could interrogate intrigues me, and it did even more so when during the preview for next week she says she killed someone Sayid loved. I'm still not entirely convinced Shannon is dead. I know it's probably a long shot, but--Sayid was in the Gulf war. If Lucia has military training (and we also don't exactly know the time frame of this show) it is POSSIBLE that Lucia was also in the Gulf war. Sayid lost a woman he loved during this war (he was also an interrogator) and it is possible that Lucia might be the one responsible for HER death. Whateve happens, I hope Sayid kicks her ass.

Idea #2: Goodwin, Ethan and the manifest.

So Goodwin was one of the 'others.' Ethan, the mystery man from season one, shared many of Goodwin's characteristics. He mysteriously came from the woods, no one remembered seeing him on the plane, yadda-yadda. Ethan was the first person to be in charge of the manifest of passengers on the plane. Now this was only a few days after the crash (maybe a week). Ethan also dissapeared in the woods for lengthy periods of time. It is highly likely that during this time he was in contact with Goodwin and sharing information from the manifest with him so that he could develop a list of people on the other side of the island. Sadly, that's only about as far as I got with this one, because Hurley soon obtained control of the list. Ethan became very wild--he kidnapped Claire and nearly killed Charlie. Charlie shoots Ethan before Sayid and the other guys get to question him, so we never learn his story. The notable connection Sayid makes is that 'Ethan' was the name of Rousseau's son--the one taken by 'the others.'

So I don't think I really came to a conclusion, but I'm having fun analyzing what's going on!


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