Much Ado About Nothingness

Sometimes the most inane topics give us the most grief. Why do we make such a fuss over the little stuff? That's what I hope to answer in my humble little blog.

Location: West Virginia

I'm a 27 year old high school teacher living in West Virginia. I have the most adorable cat named Simon. He is the closest thing I will get to having a choice! I'm also an Independent Consultant for a company called Tastefully Simple.

Monday, December 11, 2006

BW3's to come to Martinsburg!!!

So I went to Jerry's subs and pizza today to grab me a bite to eat while I was out. Jerry's is the only establishment open in this new-er strip-mall complex in Martinsburg. Well, as I was driving by I noticed some construction going on a few doors down from Jerry's, and a sign over top that said, "Coming soon! Buffalo Wild Wings." I'm pretty excited about this! I told Bill this evening and he said (with a sly smile), "oh, that's bad news there." Needless to say there are not that many 'cool' places to hang out in Martinsburg. One of the only neat bars that has wings is the Station Grill, and their service sucks, and Bill pretty much refuses to go back there for fear they might spit in his food. So we are hoping to visit the new BW3's, perhaps relive some old Morgantown-ish memories there!

Although nothing can beat that one time when we got like 2 feet of snow and Amy, Kelli and I walked in our snow pants from South Park down to BW3's JUST to get some beer and wings and play Triva! It was like hanging out in a ski lodge without the skiing....that's also the night we made snow angels in the middle of High Street. Ah, the memories! :)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

freaky baby doll ps3 commercial

Ok, so I can't remember if it was Amber or Rachel that told me about the freaky baby doll commercial for the new PS3, but I finally saw it tonight, and it is SCARY! yikes! How could the makers of play station even consider that as an effective promotional tactic? it's just wrong! I mean, this thing was borderline exorcist scary. I think I'm going to have nightmares. Seriously.

ick ick ick

I have been sick too much recently. I got over a yucky head cold last week, now I'm battling the chest variety. Like Lindz said in one of her recent posts, I can't do the hacking thing, and am feeling a little tummy-queesy. It is overall not a fun thing. I ended up taking yesterday off because of it. I wasn't feeling terrible Thursday, but I just had a feeling it would catch up to me, and boy did it ever!

On a brigher note, I went to see our school's performance of Fiddler on the Roof on Thursday. It was really good. I wasn't sure what I'd think of it. Acting-wise, they were a little rough, but singing and everything else was good. Needless to say, I don't get along harmoniously with our choir director. We tolerate each other (and things have been a bit more civil this year compared to previous years), but I have to give him kudos for pulling off a difficult project.

I have also pretty much decided that I want to tackle Shakespeare in the spring...if they can do fiddler, they can do Shakespeare. I'm seriously considering Midsummer--I think it will be the best one to cast. I definitely have a GREAT Bottom. I think it will be a good challenge, and I just HOPE that we can pull off the set for it! :) I'll keep everyone posted on dates....I think it'll be worth a trip to see it!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

student insanity

I don't know what it is about this time of year. The few weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas...students go insane. There is seriously an insane button on them that gets stuck and doesn't get unstuck until about a week after New Year's when the realize...."whoops, it's the end of the sememster, and I haven't done a single thing for my classes."
Today was nuts! Now, generally speaking, I love my students, they're great, but lately, they have been grating on my last nerve. My 8th period class today could not keep their mouths closed for more than two seconds....they sounded like a bunch of birds in a tree, one would go off, and they'd ALL go off.
I literally think I had scratch marks down my face by the end of the day from my own hands because I could not believe the lunacy that took place. The last thing I really want to do is slap a movie in the VCR, but I'm highly temped to, because I swear they are incapable of thinking at the moment.
Did you think I was going to slap a student? Well, the thought has crossed my mind, but I like my job too much! ;)
And another thing....with holidays seem to come a surge of romance blossoming in every corner.....of every hallway, and outside of EVERY classroom door. If I have to walk by one more smooching teenage couple, I'm breaking out the water spritzer. It's gross!
Anyway, I hate to vent, but today was just a mass of insanity that needed to be addressed...I'm off to enjoy my quiet evening with my kitty-cat!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Four things...(I'm stealing this from Amber, sorry)

I thought this looked like a fun forward, and it reminded me of the 'top five' list from High Fidelity...crap, forgot to put that one under movies I'd watch over and over...

*Four Jobs I Have Had in My Life:
1. Cashier at Chick-fil-A in the Crossroads mall
2. Bartender/Waitress at Gibbie's
3. Graduate Assistant/Instructor in the English Dept. at WVU
4. High School English Teacher (in my 4th year).

*Four Movies I Would Watch Over and Over:
(I agree with nearly all of Amber's--except Pet Semetary--but there are others, too)
1. Shaun of the Dead
2. Office Space
3. When Harry Met Sally
4. French Kiss
****Gosh I could make this list super long--I, too, love Shawshank, and Billy Madison, Pulp Fiction, Steel, a lot.

*Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Beaver, WV
2. Morgantown, WV
3. Shepherdstown, WV
4. Martinsburg, WV
(am I detecting a trend here? I'll be suprised if I ever leave this state)

*Four TV Shows I Love to Watch
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Lost
3. Heroes
4. House

Although I had been addicted to Dancing with the Stars this past season! And on a daily basis I watch a combination of M*A*S*H, Scrubs and That 70's Show re-runs. It's my downtime.

*Four places I Have Been on Vacation
1. Haiti
2. Jamacia
3. Grand Cayman
4. Cozumel, Mexico

(all on my cruise this summer! :)--yeah!)

*Four Websites I Visit Daily:
2. Gmail
3. Tastefully Simple
4. Bank website
(although, Tim Blane's website has been getting a lot of hits from me recently).

*Favorite Foods:
1. Tacos de Carne Asada at El Ranchero
2. Pepperoncinis or pickles
3. STEAK.....(Homer noise)
4. DARK chocolate

*Four places I'd Rather Be Right Now:
1. the Caribbean on a cruise ship
2. watching Tim Blane perform
3. in bed.
4. I am at home, but if I wasn't, I would want to be there.

Holiday Wipeout

I'm starting to get the feeling that the hub-bub of the holidays are starting to catch up to me in a major way. I'm not really complaining, because I've had a ton of fun the past few days, but I feel absolutely wiped out!

The weekend was full of major excitement with Tim and Amber and shopping and meeting my sis for dinner, then staying up with her at her house watching the Mounties' desparate attempts to finally defeat Rutgers (whew--we were really worried there for a while).

Sunday, I headed back to the house expecting some down-time, when, low and behold, Bill is on the phone with Joe and was making plans to meet him and his girlfriend(?) Katie for lunch in Hagerstown. So we head down there to BW3's for a fun lunch of trivia and football, stopped by BB&B for a little christmas shopping then come back home--where I ultimately crashed for nearly TWO HOURS! I'm not kidding, I didn't even move the whole time I was laying down.

Needless to say, my late nap affected my bedtime, and after a full day of school today, the minute after I finished my early dinner (Jerry's subs and pizza-eh), I zonked out again for about two more hours. I'm feeling a little whoozie, so I hope I'm not coming down with something... Maybe something hot to drink will get me re-charged.

On the bright side, I did get a butt-load of gifts wrapped yesterday...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

a purse obsession

all girls have obsessions. For some it might be clothes, shoes or earrings....for me, it's purses. I don't know why I can't control myself when I walk by any purse department. There is just something so thrilling about a perfectly appointed handbag, a cute clutch or an all-purpose tote. Bill and I seem to have this debate all the time. He can't seem to get the fact that just because a purse may be similar in design or color to one I already have, it doesn't mean that I don't need it. You have to have variety! Different styles and colors serve different purposes. I'll admit, I do have two purses identical in every way except color: one is tan, the other is black. The purse itself is quite possibly one of the most functional purses I own--I need it in two colors. It works casually and in some semi-dressy situations. It has the perfect fit, and hold a TON of stuff (without being bulky--a must).
I find it fun to transfer from one purse to another...purses are also a mood gauge. the style, shape and size can all be clear indicators to what a woman is feeling, or planning on doing on any given day. there are the 'whew, I have a lot of work to do' purses, the 'can't wait to go out dancing tonight' purses, and yes, there is even the 'i'm going to the ren-fest and need a big bag to tote all my loot' purses.
I also bought a great purse Saturday while in DC--a Fossil bag that I've had my eye on for quite some time. It was 50% off at Macys. If there is anything better than a purse, it is a purse on sale.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Amber will be so proud

Ok, so it has been forever sinced I blogged last, and I am oh so sorry about that. I promise to mend my ways and blog more frequently. What better way to kick off the reinstatement of my blog then with last night's story.

The wonderful, fantasic, spectacular thing that was last night.

Amber, Andrew and I all headed to the District last night to see our favorite person: Tim Blane. We got to the venue (a little late, we thought), not really knowing what to expect. We get upstairs in this little room, and there Tim was! The night couldn't have been more enjoyable. We talked to Tim before the show, and he remembered us from the exploits in the bank parking lot in Winchester. (He even blogged about it...which was quite humorous). The set was awesome. It was just Tim and his guitar. Amber and I sang along (of course), and after his set was over, we chit-chatted a little more, I bought him a drink, bought a cool t-shirt from him, talked to his friend Steve about his high school years, and even got a good-bye hug.

What a wonderful evening! It's wonderful to see someone who is so passionate about their artform, and so willing to share and be a part of the group. I know this sounds cheesy, but I'd like to consider myself more of a Tim Blane friend than a Tim Blane fan.

Thanks Amber!