Much Ado About Nothingness

Sometimes the most inane topics give us the most grief. Why do we make such a fuss over the little stuff? That's what I hope to answer in my humble little blog.

Location: West Virginia

I'm a 27 year old high school teacher living in West Virginia. I have the most adorable cat named Simon. He is the closest thing I will get to having a choice! I'm also an Independent Consultant for a company called Tastefully Simple.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Holiday Wipeout

I'm starting to get the feeling that the hub-bub of the holidays are starting to catch up to me in a major way. I'm not really complaining, because I've had a ton of fun the past few days, but I feel absolutely wiped out!

The weekend was full of major excitement with Tim and Amber and shopping and meeting my sis for dinner, then staying up with her at her house watching the Mounties' desparate attempts to finally defeat Rutgers (whew--we were really worried there for a while).

Sunday, I headed back to the house expecting some down-time, when, low and behold, Bill is on the phone with Joe and was making plans to meet him and his girlfriend(?) Katie for lunch in Hagerstown. So we head down there to BW3's for a fun lunch of trivia and football, stopped by BB&B for a little christmas shopping then come back home--where I ultimately crashed for nearly TWO HOURS! I'm not kidding, I didn't even move the whole time I was laying down.

Needless to say, my late nap affected my bedtime, and after a full day of school today, the minute after I finished my early dinner (Jerry's subs and pizza-eh), I zonked out again for about two more hours. I'm feeling a little whoozie, so I hope I'm not coming down with something... Maybe something hot to drink will get me re-charged.

On the bright side, I did get a butt-load of gifts wrapped yesterday...


Blogger mookieam131 said...

I so understand feeling tired this time of year; it is combination of so many things to do for the holidays, and I do believe, seasonal affective disorder - I hate it getting dark so early!!

My suggestion to head off a cold - airbourne. I've been taking it all season and I've been *knock on wood* healthier than any winter of the last few years . . .

11:16 PM  

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