Much Ado About Nothingness

Sometimes the most inane topics give us the most grief. Why do we make such a fuss over the little stuff? That's what I hope to answer in my humble little blog.

Location: West Virginia

I'm a 27 year old high school teacher living in West Virginia. I have the most adorable cat named Simon. He is the closest thing I will get to having a choice! I'm also an Independent Consultant for a company called Tastefully Simple.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Drink NAKED!

Yesterday in the mail I got a 'letter' from Amber--actullly the letter was a sticker, and a sticker from one of my FAVORITE VA wineries! (and I think the only one that I've actually visted). I LOVE Naked Mountain wines, and now I have a cool blue sticker to add to my glasses and red sticker I got while I was there! :)

DRINK NAKED is the winery's logo, and they print it on everything--including the corks of their bottles! I loved the rustic mountain atmosphere when I went there--I think that's what Bill really liked, too. We went by it on our way to his sister's house in VA Beach, and I told him, we HAVE to stop on our way back. We had taken the convertable to the beach, so when we weaved up the drive to the winery, Bill was in his elemet! A convertable on a windy country-esque road--it couldn't have been more romantic!
They have a website, too, with all of their wines listed and their upcoming events:
They are having an 'hearth warming' open house the third and fourth of December, and I would really like to go!
Thanks again Amber for the sticker and for bringing back a really found memory from last summer! :)

I REALLY hope we can do a trip in the spring, it will be a BLAST!


Blogger mookieam131 said...

Glad that you got it! I thought of you the WHOLE time I was there - and, yes, we WILL do a wine-tasting adventure in a couple of months! :)

12:48 AM  
Blogger mookieam131 said...

No blogs lately, and I'm missing them!

3:46 PM  

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