Much Ado About Nothingness

Sometimes the most inane topics give us the most grief. Why do we make such a fuss over the little stuff? That's what I hope to answer in my humble little blog.

Location: West Virginia

I'm a 27 year old high school teacher living in West Virginia. I have the most adorable cat named Simon. He is the closest thing I will get to having a choice! I'm also an Independent Consultant for a company called Tastefully Simple.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

New Computer!

YEAH! I finally have a new computer! Bill got it for me for Christmas! :) It's TOO exciting! It's all new and fun and FAST! No more crashing explorer! I can now blog to my little hearts content without the worry that I will lose my post! I love it! AND I got a cool little pen drive, which will come in very handy at school! I won't have to take my lap top home anymore. Bill also did the right thing and got me a flat screen. He's such a good husband. I really like my pretty new computer! It even motivated me to clean up my desk for a change! I hate to make this post a short one (especially since I haven't posted in a while), but I have Christmas cookies to make! fun fun!

Best thing of all--tomorrow is my last day before break, and we are watching The Muppets' Christmas Carol ALL DAY!
*sings*--"it's in the singing of the street corner choir, it's going home and getting warm by the's true wherever you find love it feels like Christmas!"


Blogger mookieam131 said...

Glad to see you back in action! Hooray for blogs and your new computer!

8:58 AM  

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